
Our Blog

  • Flowers of Tortuguero

    rosa hibiscus amapola flower

    Inside our own lodge hotel you can find a wide range of beautiful flowers, so you can delight yourself watching…
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  • Caribbean cuisine history

    different caribbean foods served on a table

    The Caribbean cuisine is the result of centuries of many cultures and people living and sharing the same space…
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  • Reptiles in Tortuguero

    green basilisk posing on tree branch

    Our cold-blooded friends are part of the diversity of nature around our hotel. Let’s talk about 3 cool species you …
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  • Birds of Tortuguero 1

    pink legged bird lurking shallow waters

    The second part of our series the bird species you can find easily near our installations, the beach, the river and …
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  • Birds of Tortuguero 1

    bird resting on tree branch

    Let’s talk about some of the bird species you can find easily near our installations, the beach, the river and our secret lagoon.
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  • Our bar and drinks

    hotel bar

    The Turtle Beach Lodge Hotel installations include a bar where you can rest, read, chitchat, play billiard, and last…
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  • Boat-billed heron

    heron standing on a tree branch

    The Boat-billed heron is a curious bird you can spot in Tortuguero all year. Here in Costa Rica and other countries of…
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  • Kayaking on Tortuguero

    People kayaking in a lake in central america

    Tortuguero has the best waters to practice kayaking alone, with family or friends. We’ll you everything about this activity in the area.
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  • Safety Tips for Tortuguero

    boat over rio la suerte, costa rica

    Before visiting Tortuguero, let’s repass these useful safety tips to make your trip to the most exotic forest the safest one.
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